Sheila Rice
Sheila Rice
Clair Hiles
Clair Hiles

The Avon and Somerset Constabulary Male Voice Choir (in brief, The Police Choir) is drawn from a blend of serving and retired police officers and support staff, together with members of the public who have no background in the police but who nevertheless also enjoy choral singing. Originally founded in 1974 after the amalgamation of a number of components of the Constabulary, the choir has been performing at concerts throughout Avon and Somerset and beyond, raising money for various charities and good causes. We sing a wide range of choral material, from evangelical through spiritual to pop, with some comedy, opera and even romance provided from time to time by soloists drawn from our own ranks.

The choristers are all amateur singers but nevertheless we strive to achieve professional standards under the guidance of our Musical director Sheila Rice and our accompanist Clair Hiles. As a result, we enjoy a wide reputation for quality of performance and have been successful at a number of choral competitions. In addition to performing at our own concerts, we have sung in major concerts with other choirs and bands and consequently have made lasting friendships at both home and abroad.

There is no doubt – and this is a view supported by the medical profession – that music is beneficial for general health; furthermore, singing in a choir brings the added advantages of a friendly social environment and exercise for the body and mind, plus the fact that it is accessible to all ages. If you think you can’t sing, don’t believe it: if you can talk, you can sing, and we will help you to learn how. Many of our members had never sung before they joined us and not many of us read music, but we all stand together at concerts, entertaining to the highest standard, gaining huge satisfaction from audience appreciation and from the fact that what we do is in support of good, mainly local, causes.

So if you are tempted to join us, we can arrange for you to sit in at one of our weekly rehearsals, or if you wish to book a concert, in either case you can contact us through any member or by emailing our choir secretary: .

Choir performance at Wells - 2022